Coronavirus the suspension of psl games doesnt only benefit mamelodi sundowns mccarthy

I see what you're getting at! While it's true that the suspension of PSL games due to the coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on many teams, including Mamelodi Sundowns, it's not accurate to say that the suspension only benefits Sundowns and McCarthy.

Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Level playing field: The suspension of games affects all teams equally, regardless of their position on the log table. This means that Sundowns, like all other teams, has had to adapt to the new circumstances and find ways to stay fit and focused during the break.
  2. Injury recovery: The suspension has given players like Sundowns' star midfielder, Themba Zwane, a chance to recover from injuries and come back stronger. This benefits not just Sundowns but also the South African national team, which relies on players like Zwane.
  3. Preparation for the future: The break has allowed teams to regroup, reassess their strategies, and prepare for the remainder of the season. This is an opportunity for all teams, including Sundowns, to work on their weaknesses and come back stronger.
  4. Global perspective: The pandemic has affected sports leagues and teams worldwide. While Sundowns may have been affected by the suspension, they are not alone. Many teams and leagues have had to navigate similar challenges, and the experience can be valuable for learning and growth.

In conclusion, while the suspension of PSL games has undoubtedly had an impact on Mamelodi Sundowns and other teams, it's not accurate to say that it only benefits Sundowns and McCarthy. The break has presented opportunities for all teams to regroup, recover, and prepare for the future, and it's essential to consider the broader context of the pandemic's impact on sports globally.