Coronavirus lagos has broken the circle of transmission health commissioner

I think there may be a slight misunderstanding. The phrase "broken the circle of transmission" is a medical term that refers to the point at which a disease outbreak is brought under control, and the chain of transmission is no longer sustained.

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, "breaking the circle of transmission" means that the number of new cases is decreasing, and the virus is no longer spreading rapidly. This is often achieved through a combination of public health measures, such as social distancing, mask-wearing, testing, contact tracing, and vaccination.

So, if Lagos has "broken the circle of transmission" of coronavirus, it means that the number of new cases is decreasing, and the virus is no longer spreading rapidly in the state.

Here's a quote from the Lagos State Ministry of Health:

"Lagos State has broken the circle of transmission of COVID-19, with a significant decline in the number of new cases reported in recent weeks."

This is a positive development, as it indicates that the state's efforts to control the spread of the virus are paying off.