Coronavirus china quarantine facility collapses traps 70

I'm so sorry to hear that. According to reports, a coronavirus quarantine facility in China has collapsed, trapping around 70 people. This is a devastating incident, and my heart goes out to the victims and their families.

The incident occurred in the city of Quanzhou, in the southeastern province of Fujian, China. The quarantine facility was being used to house people who had been infected with the coronavirus, and it's believed that the collapse was caused by structural issues with the building.

Rescue efforts are currently underway, with emergency responders working to free those trapped in the rubble. However, the situation is dire, and it's unclear how many people may have been killed or injured in the collapse.

This incident highlights the challenges that China is facing in its efforts to contain the spread of the coronavirus. The country has been working to build quarantine facilities and hospitals to treat those infected, but the rapid spread of the virus has put a strain on the healthcare system.

I hope that the rescue efforts are successful, and that those trapped in the rubble are able to be freed safely. My thoughts are with the people of China and those affected by this tragic incident.