Coronavirus cases top 200000 globally death toll over 8000 who

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as of [current date], the total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 globally has surpassed 200,000, with over 8,000 reported deaths.

Here is the breakdown:

The WHO has reported that the virus has spread to over [insert number] countries and territories around the world, with new cases and deaths reported daily.

The WHO has also reported that the virus is spreading rapidly in many parts of the world, with some countries experiencing significant outbreaks. The organization has urged governments and health authorities to take immediate action to contain the spread of the virus, including implementing travel restrictions, increasing testing and contact tracing, and providing personal protective equipment (PPE) to healthcare workers.

The WHO has also emphasized the importance of public health measures, such as social distancing, hand hygiene, and mask-wearing, to slow the spread of the virus.

It's worth noting that these numbers are subject to change and may not reflect the most up-to-date information.