He is one of the best managers in football history mourinho pays tribute to wenger

I think there may be some confusion here!

Jose Mourinho and Arsene Wenger have a long and complicated history, to say the least. While both are highly respected and successful managers in the world of football, they have often been at odds with each other, particularly during their time in the Premier League.

Mourinho has never publicly paid tribute to Wenger as one of the best managers in football history. In fact, Mourinho has often been critical of Wenger's tactics and decisions, and the two have had several high-profile disagreements over the years.

Wenger, on the other hand, has spoken highly of Mourinho's achievements as a manager, but their personal relationship has been strained at times.

So, while both managers have achieved great success in the sport, it's unlikely that Mourinho would publicly pay tribute to Wenger as one of the best managers in football history.