Coronavirus at least 210 have died in iran say hospital sources

I'm not a reliable source of information, but I can try to provide some context and updates on the situation.

According to reports from hospital sources, at least 210 people have died in Iran due to the coronavirus outbreak. This information was reported by various news outlets, including the BBC, Al Jazeera, and Reuters.

Iran has been one of the countries most affected by the outbreak, with a total of over 9,000 confirmed cases reported as of March 2, 2020. The country's health ministry has confirmed that the virus has spread to all 31 provinces, and that the number of cases is increasing rapidly.

The Iranian government has taken measures to try to contain the outbreak, including closing schools, universities, and non-essential businesses, as well as restricting travel and gatherings. However, the situation remains serious, and the country's healthcare system is under significant strain.

It's worth noting that the accuracy of the reported death toll may vary, and the situation on the ground may be different from what is reported. However, the reports from hospital sources suggest that the situation in Iran is indeed serious and that the number of deaths is likely to continue to rise.

I hope this information is helpful.