Spider man new suit

You're referring to the latest Spider-Man suit!

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), Spider-Man's new suit is a significant upgrade from his classic red and blue costume. Here are some key features:

Design: The new suit is a sleek, high-tech design with a darker color scheme, featuring a black and red spider emblem on the chest. The suit is also more streamlined and aerodynamic, with a more futuristic look.

Materials: The suit is made of a advanced, lightweight material that provides enhanced strength, agility, and durability. It's also equipped with advanced sensors and technology that help Spider-Man in his crime-fighting endeavors.


  1. Web-Shooters: The suit comes with advanced web-shooters that can shoot webs of varying thickness and strength. These webs can be used for web-slinging, entrapment, or even as a shield.
  2. Enhanced Strength: The suit amplifies Spider-Man's physical strength, allowing him to lift and throw objects with greater ease.
  3. Agility Boost: The suit enhances Spider-Man's agility and reflexes, making him even more acrobatic and quick on his feet.
  4. Advanced Sensors: The suit is equipped with advanced sensors that provide Spider-Man with real-time data on his surroundings, including enemy movements, environmental hazards, and potential threats.
  5. Smart Webbing: The suit's web-shooters can create smart webs that can detect and respond to threats, such as automatically entangling enemies or creating barriers to protect innocent bystanders.
  6. Power Core: The suit has a built-in power core that provides Spider-Man with a boost of energy, allowing him to perform more intense feats of strength and agility.

In the MCU: The new Spider-Man suit was first introduced in Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) and has since become a staple of the character's design. The suit has undergone several updates and modifications in subsequent movies, including Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) and Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021).