Coronavirus 300m children out of school says unesco

A very timely and important topic!

Yes, you're correct. According to UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), as of March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the closure of over 1.5 billion learners, or 87% of the world's student population, with approximately 300 million children out of school.

This unprecedented disruption to education has significant implications for the well-being, health, and future prospects of children and young people worldwide. The closures have also had a disproportionate impact on vulnerable populations, including those in low-income countries, refugee children, and those with disabilities.

UNESCO has been working closely with governments, international organizations, and other stakeholders to mitigate the effects of the pandemic on education and to support the reopening of schools when it is safe to do so.

Some of the key challenges facing education systems during the pandemic include:

  1. Access to remote learning: Many schools lack the infrastructure and resources to provide online learning, leaving millions of children without access to education.
  2. Teacher training: Teachers need training on how to adapt their teaching methods to online or blended learning environments.
  3. Digital divide: The lack of access to digital devices, internet connectivity, and digital literacy skills exacerbates the challenges faced by students and teachers.
  4. Mental health and well-being: The pandemic has taken a toll on the mental health and well-being of students, teachers, and families, requiring additional support and resources.

To address these challenges, UNESCO has launched several initiatives, including:

  1. The Global Education Coalition: A partnership with governments, international organizations, and private sector companies to support the reopening of schools and the provision of remote learning.
  2. The Education Cannot Wait (ECW) initiative: A global fund that provides emergency funding to support education in crisis-affected areas.
  3. The COVID-19 Education Response: A global initiative that provides guidance, resources, and support to education systems to help them respond to the pandemic.

It's heartening to see the international community coming together to address this critical issue and ensure that all children have access to quality education, even in the face of adversity.