Corona 4 what's new

Corona 4 is the latest version of the popular HTML5-based game development engine, Corona SDK. Here are some of the new features and improvements in Corona 4:

New Features:

  1. Corona Simulator: A new simulator that allows you to test and debug your games on multiple devices and platforms, including iOS, Android, and desktop.
  2. Improved Performance: Corona 4 includes significant performance improvements, including faster rendering, better memory management, and improved physics engine performance.
  3. New Graphics Features: Support for advanced graphics features like multi-texturing, texture atlasing, and improved particle effects.
  4. Enhanced Animation System: A new animation system that allows for more complex animations, including skeletal animations and physics-based animations.
  5. Improved Audio Support: Support for more audio formats, including MP3 and AAC, and improved audio compression and streaming.
  6. New Physics Engine: A new physics engine that provides more realistic simulations and improved performance.
  7. Corona Cloud: A new cloud-based service that allows you to store and manage your game data, including leaderboards, achievements, and cloud saves.
  8. Improved Support for 64-bit Devices: Support for 64-bit devices, including iOS and Android devices with 64-bit processors.


  1. Better Error Handling: Improved error handling and debugging tools, including a new error console and improved crash reporting.
  2. Improved Documentation: Improved documentation and tutorials, including a new getting started guide and more detailed API documentation.
  3. Better Support for Multiple Screens: Improved support for multiple screens and devices, including support for split-screen and multi-screen games.
  4. Improved Support for Virtual Reality (VR): Improved support for VR development, including support for Oculus and Daydream VR platforms.
  5. Better Support for Augmented Reality (AR): Improved support for AR development, including support for ARKit and ARCore platforms.

Other Changes:

  1. Corona SDK is now Open Source: Corona SDK is now open source, which means that developers can contribute to the project and modify the code to suit their needs.
  2. New License Model: Corona SDK now uses a new license model that allows developers to use the engine for free, with optional paid upgrades for additional features and support.

Overall, Corona 4 is a significant update that provides a range of new features, improvements, and enhancements to the Corona SDK. If you're a developer looking to create games for mobile, desktop, or other platforms, Corona 4 is definitely worth checking out.