All new features in es6 javascript

ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) introduced several new features to JavaScript, including:


  1. Let and Const: Introduced let and const keywords for declaring variables with block scope.
  2. Arrow Functions: A concise way to define functions using the => syntax.
  3. Classes: A new way to define classes using the class keyword.
  4. Enhanced Object Literals: New syntax for creating objects with computed property names and property value shorthand.
  5. Template Literals: A new way to create strings using template literals (````) and string interpolation.

Data Types

  1. Symbols: A new primitive data type for creating unique identifiers.
  2. Maps: A new data structure for storing key-value pairs.
  3. Sets: A new data structure for storing unique values.


  1. Default Parameters: Allow functions to have default values for parameters.
  2. Rest Parameters: Allow functions to accept a variable number of arguments using the ... syntax.
  3. Spread Syntax: Allow functions to spread an array or object into separate arguments using the ... syntax.
  4. Async/Await: A new way to write asynchronous code using the async and await keywords.


  1. Import and Export: Introduced import and export statements for importing and exporting modules.
  2. ES6 Modules: A new way to define and load modules using the import and export statements.


  1. Promise: A new way to handle asynchronous operations using promises.
  2. Generators: A new way to create iterators using the yield keyword.
  3. Iterators: A new way to iterate over arrays and objects using the for...of loop.
  4. Proxy: A new way to create proxy objects that can intercept and modify object operations.
  5. Reflect: A new way to access and manipulate object properties and methods using the Reflect object.
  6. WeakMap and WeakSet: New data structures for storing weak references to objects.
  7. Object.assign: A new method for merging objects.
  8. Object.keys, Object.values, and Object.entries: New methods for getting the keys, values, and entries of an object.
  9. Array.prototype.includes: A new method for checking if an array includes a specific value.
  10. Array.prototype.find and Array.prototype.findIndex: New methods for finding and finding the index of a specific value in an array.

These are just some of the new features introduced in ES6. There are many more, and it's worth noting that some features may not be supported in all browsers or environments.