Coporate donations for new york police department

The New York Police Department (NYPD) receives corporate donations to support various initiatives and programs. Here are some examples of corporate donations made to the NYPD:

  1. Verizon: In 2020, Verizon donated $1 million to the NYPD's "Operation Impact" program, which focuses on reducing crime in high-crime areas.
  2. Coca-Cola: In 2019, Coca-Cola donated $500,000 to the NYPD's "Summer Youth Employment Program," which provides job opportunities for young people in New York City.
  3. JPMorgan Chase: In 2018, JPMorgan Chase donated $1 million to the NYPD's "Counterterrorism Bureau" to support its efforts to prevent and respond to terrorist threats.
  4. Microsoft: In 2017, Microsoft donated $500,000 to the NYPD's "Cybercrime Unit" to support its efforts to combat cybercrime and protect the city's digital infrastructure.
  5. AT&T: In 2016, AT&T donated $500,000 to the NYPD's "911 Emergency Communications" program, which supports the city's emergency response system.
  6. The New York Yankees: In 2015, the New York Yankees donated $250,000 to the NYPD's "Police Athletic League" (PAL), which provides sports and recreational programs for young people in New York City.
  7. The New York Mets: In 2014, the New York Mets donated $100,000 to the NYPD's "PAL" program.
  8. The New York Giants: In 2013, the New York Giants donated $50,000 to the NYPD's "PAL" program.
  9. The New York Jets: In 2012, the New York Jets donated $50,000 to the NYPD's "PAL" program.
  10. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey: In 2011, the Port Authority donated $1 million to the NYPD's "Counterterrorism Bureau" to support its efforts to prevent and respond to terrorist threats.

These are just a few examples of corporate donations made to the NYPD. The department also receives donations from other corporations, foundations, and individuals to support various initiatives and programs.