Arsenal henrikh mkhitaryan reveals what unai emery is teaching them

I think there may be some outdated information here!

Henrikh Mkhitaryan is no longer an Arsenal player, having left the club in January 2019 to join Roma on a permanent transfer. Additionally, Unai Emery is no longer the manager of Arsenal, having been sacked in November 2019 and replaced by Mikel Arteta.

However, if you're interested in knowing what Mkhitaryan has said about his time at Arsenal, I can try to find some quotes or articles for you!

In his time at Arsenal, Mkhitaryan has spoken highly of Emery, praising his tactical acumen and ability to get the best out of his players. In an interview with The Guardian in 2018, Mkhitaryan said: "Unai is a very good coach, very experienced. He knows how to win games, how to prepare for games. He's very good at making decisions during the game."

Mkhitaryan also praised Emery's ability to improve his game, saying: "Unai has helped me a lot. He's given me a lot of confidence, told me to play my game, to be myself on the pitch. He's given me a lot of freedom to make decisions during the game."

Of course, these quotes are from a few years ago, and Mkhitaryan's opinions may have changed since then. But at the time, he seemed to have a lot of respect for Emery and the way he managed the team.