Convert press release to news story

Here's an example of how to convert a press release to a news story:

Press Release:


Local Non-Profit Organization Receives Grant to Support Community Programs

[City, State] – [Non-Profit Organization] is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a grant from [Foundation Name] to support its community programs. The grant, in the amount of $50,000, will be used to fund [specific programs or initiatives].

"We are thrilled to receive this grant from [Foundation Name]," said [Non-Profit Organization] Executive Director [Name]. "This funding will enable us to continue providing vital services to our community and make a positive impact on the lives of [specific groups or individuals]."

The grant will be used to support [specific programs or initiatives], which include [briefly describe the programs or initiatives]. These programs are designed to [briefly describe the goals or objectives of the programs].

"We are grateful for the support of [Foundation Name] and look forward to continuing our work in the community," said [Non-Profit Organization] Executive Director [Name].

News Story:

Local Non-Profit Receives Grant to Support Community Programs

A local non-profit organization has received a significant grant to support its community programs. [Non-Profit Organization] was awarded $50,000 from [Foundation Name] to fund its efforts to [briefly describe the goals or objectives of the programs].

The grant will be used to support a range of programs, including [specific programs or initiatives]. These programs are designed to [briefly describe the goals or objectives of the programs]. For example, the organization's [program name] will provide [specific services or support] to [specific groups or individuals].

The grant is a significant boost to the organization's efforts to make a positive impact in the community. "We are thrilled to receive this grant and are grateful for the support of [Foundation Name]," said [Non-Profit Organization] Executive Director [Name]. "This funding will enable us to continue providing vital services to our community and make a real difference in the lives of [specific groups or individuals]."

The organization's programs have already made a significant impact in the community. For example, [briefly describe a specific success story or achievement]. The grant will enable the organization to build on this success and continue to grow and develop its programs.

Overall, the grant is a significant recognition of the organization's important work in the community. "We are proud to be a part of this community and are committed to continuing our efforts to make a positive difference," said [Non-Profit Organization] Executive Director [Name].

Key differences between the press release and news story: