Convert old word file to new on samsumg tab a

A common problem!

To convert an old Word file (.doc) to a new one (.docx) on a Samsung Tab A, you have a few options:

Method 1: Using the Samsung Tab A's built-in Microsoft Word app

  1. Open the Microsoft Word app on your Samsung Tab A.
  2. Tap the "Open" button and select the old Word file (.doc) from your device's storage.
  3. The file will be converted to a new Word file (.docx) automatically.
  4. You can then edit and save the file in the new format.

Method 2: Using a third-party file converter app

  1. Download and install a file converter app like "File Converter" or "Docx Converter" from the Google Play Store.
  2. Open the app and select the old Word file (.doc) from your device's storage.
  3. Choose the output format as.docx and select the conversion options as needed.
  4. Tap the "Convert" button to convert the file.
  5. The converted file will be saved to your device's storage.

Method 3: Using a cloud-based file conversion service

  1. Upload your old Word file (.doc) to a cloud-based file conversion service like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Microsoft OneDrive.
  2. Use the service's built-in file conversion feature to convert the file to.docx.
  3. Download the converted file to your Samsung Tab A.

Method 4: Using a PC and then transferring the file

  1. Connect your Samsung Tab A to a PC using a USB cable.
  2. Transfer the old Word file (.doc) from your Tab A to the PC.
  3. Open the file on the PC using Microsoft Word or a compatible word processor.
  4. Save the file in the new format (.docx).
  5. Transfer the converted file back to your Samsung Tab A.

Remember to always check the compatibility of the converted file with your device and any software you plan to use it with.