Fcr report from new zealand insurance comapny

A FCR (First Contact Resolution) report from a New Zealand insurance company! That's a specific and interesting request.

For those who may not know, FCR is a key performance indicator (KPI) that measures the percentage of customer contacts that are resolved during the initial interaction. In other words, it's a measure of how well an organization handles customer inquiries and issues on the first try.

Assuming you're looking for a sample FCR report from a New Zealand insurance company, I'll provide a fictional example. Please note that actual data and figures may vary depending on the company and industry.

FCR Report: XYZ Insurance Company (New Zealand)

Period: January 1, 2022 - March 31, 2022

Key Findings:

Breakdown by Channel:

Top Reasons for FCR:

  1. Policy queries (35.1%)
  2. Claims processing (23.4%)
  3. Billing and payment issues (15.5%)
  4. Product information (10.2%)
  5. Other (15.8%)

FCR Improvement Initiatives:


The XYZ Insurance Company's FCR report for Q1 2022 shows a significant improvement in resolving customer issues on the first contact. The company's efforts to enhance training, streamline processes, and leverage technology have contributed to this success. However, there is still room for improvement, particularly in addressing billing and payment issues. The company will continue to monitor and analyze FCR data to identify areas for further optimization.

Please note that this is a fictional example, and actual data and figures may vary depending on the company and industry.