Contents of new school physics afp

The new school physics curriculum in Australia, known as the Australian Curriculum: Science, was introduced in 2016. The curriculum is designed to provide a comprehensive and coherent education in science for students from Foundation to Year 10.

The Australian Curriculum: Science is organized into three strands:

  1. Science Understanding: This strand focuses on the knowledge and concepts that students need to understand the natural world.
  2. Science Inquiry Skills: This strand focuses on the skills and processes that students need to use to investigate and understand the natural world.
  3. Science as a Human Endeavour: This strand focuses on the ways in which science is used to solve real-world problems and the impact of science on society.

The new school physics curriculum includes the following topics:

Year 7:

Year 8:

Year 9:

Year 10:

The new school physics curriculum also includes a range of skills and processes that students need to use to investigate and understand the natural world, such as:

Overall, the new school physics curriculum is designed to provide students with a comprehensive and coherent education in physics, and to prepare them for further study and careers in science and technology.