Consortium news

Consortium News is an independent, non-profit online news organization that was founded in 1995 by Robert Parry, a veteran journalist and author. The organization is known for its in-depth reporting and analysis on a wide range of topics, including politics, economics, and international relations.

Consortium News is often critical of mainstream media outlets and government policies, and is known for its investigative reporting and exposés on topics such as government corruption, corporate malfeasance, and human rights abuses.

Some of the key areas of focus for Consortium News include:

  1. Investigative reporting: Consortium News has a team of experienced investigative reporters who dig deep into complex stories and uncover new information.
  2. Foreign policy: The organization has a strong focus on international relations and foreign policy, and has reported on topics such as the Middle East, Latin America, and Asia.
  3. Government corruption: Consortium News has reported on a wide range of government corruption scandals, including those involving politicians, bureaucrats, and corporate executives.
  4. Corporate malfeasance: The organization has investigated and exposed corporate wrongdoing, including environmental disasters, financial fraud, and labor abuses.
  5. Human rights: Consortium News has reported on human rights abuses around the world, including those committed by governments, corporations, and other actors.

Some notable stories and investigations published by Consortium News include:

  1. The Iran-Contra affair: Consortium News was one of the first outlets to report on the Iran-Contra scandal, which involved the secret sale of arms to Iran and the use of the proceeds to fund anti-Sandinista rebels in Nicaragua.
  2. The Oklahoma City bombing: Consortium News investigated the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and found evidence that the attack was likely carried out by domestic terrorists, rather than foreign terrorists as initially claimed by the government.
  3. The 9/11 attacks: Consortium News has published numerous articles and investigations on the 9/11 attacks, including critiques of the official narrative and alternative theories.
  4. The Iraq War: The organization has reported on the lead-up to the Iraq War, including the use of false intelligence and the manipulation of public opinion by the Bush administration.
  5. The Ukraine crisis: Consortium News has reported on the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, including the role of the United States and other foreign powers in the conflict.

Overall, Consortium News is known for its independent and critical reporting, and has built a reputation as a trusted source of information and analysis on a wide range of topics.