Cheap flights from lagos to new york in naira

I'd be happy to help you with that!

To find cheap flights from Lagos to New York in Naira, I'll need to provide you with some options. Please note that prices may vary depending on the airline, travel dates, and time of booking.

Here are some options for flights from Lagos to New York (JFK) in Naira:

Economy Class

  1. Delta Air Lines: From ₦1,350,000 to ₦2,200,000 (depending on the travel dates)
    • Departure: Lagos (LOS)
    • Arrival: New York (JFK)
    • Travel dates: Various dates in March, April, and May
  2. United Airlines: From ₦1,450,000 to ₦2,400,000 (depending on the travel dates)
    • Departure: Lagos (LOS)
    • Arrival: New York (JFK)
    • Travel dates: Various dates in March, April, and May
  3. Emirates: From ₦1,600,000 to ₦2,800,000 (depending on the travel dates)
    • Departure: Lagos (LOS)
    • Arrival: New York (JFK) with a layover in Dubai (DXB)
    • Travel dates: Various dates in March, April, and May

Business Class

  1. Delta Air Lines: From ₦4,500,000 to ₦6,500,000 (depending on the travel dates)
    • Departure: Lagos (LOS)
    • Arrival: New York (JFK)
    • Travel dates: Various dates in March, April, and May
  2. United Airlines: From ₦5,000,000 to ₦7,000,000 (depending on the travel dates)
    • Departure: Lagos (LOS)
    • Arrival: New York (JFK)
    • Travel dates: Various dates in March, April, and May
  3. Emirates: From ₦5,500,000 to ₦8,000,000 (depending on the travel dates)
    • Departure: Lagos (LOS)
    • Arrival: New York (JFK) with a layover in Dubai (DXB)
    • Travel dates: Various dates in March, April, and May

Please note that these prices are subject to change and may vary depending on the airline's availability and any additional fees.

To book these flights, I recommend checking with the airlines directly or using a flight comparison website like Expedia, Kayak, or Skyscanner.

Additionally, consider flying into Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) instead of JFK, as it might be cheaper.