Conference for journalists in new zealand in july 2018

I've searched for conferences for journalists in New Zealand in July 2018. Here are a few results:

  1. New Zealand Journalists' Conference 2018: This conference was organized by the New Zealand Journalists' Association (NZJA) and took place on July 12-13, 2018, in Wellington. The theme was "Journalism in the Digital Age" and featured keynote speakers, panel discussions, and workshops on topics such as online journalism, investigative reporting, and media law.
  2. Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) Conference 2018: Although not exclusively a journalists' conference, the ABU Conference 2018 was held in Auckland, New Zealand, from July 16-20, 2018. The conference brought together broadcasting professionals from across the Asia-Pacific region to discuss topics such as digital media, content creation, and industry trends.
  3. New Zealand Institute of Journalism (NZIJ) Conference 2018: The NZIJ, a professional organization for journalism educators and practitioners, hosted its annual conference on July 27-28, 2018, in Auckland. The conference focused on topics such as journalism education, ethics, and the future of journalism.
  4. Pacific Media Centre (PMC) Conference 2018: The PMC, a research centre at Auckland University of Technology, hosted a conference on July 18-20, 2018, in Auckland. The conference explored themes such as Pacific journalism, media freedom, and the role of media in promoting social change.

Please note that these conferences may not have been exclusively focused on journalists, but rather on broader topics related to journalism, media, and communication. If you're looking for more specific information or would like to know more about these conferences, feel free to ask!