Frsc to ban roadside parking in fct

A great initiative!

The Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Administration has indeed announced plans to ban roadside parking in the territory. This decision was made to address the perennial traffic congestion and parking challenges in the city.

According to reports, the FCT Minister, Malam Muhammad Bello, has directed the FCT Department of Development Control to enforce the ban on roadside parking in the territory. The minister emphasized that the ban is aimed at reducing traffic congestion, improving road safety, and enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the city.

The ban is expected to take effect immediately, and motorists who violate the rule will be fined and their vehicles impounded. The FCT Administration has also announced plans to provide alternative parking facilities for motorists, including multi-level car parks and designated parking areas.

This move is a welcome development, as it will help to:

  1. Reduce traffic congestion: By eliminating roadside parking, there will be less congestion on the roads, making it easier for motorists to move around the city.
  2. Improve road safety: Roadside parking can be a major hazard, as it can obstruct traffic flow and create blind spots for other drivers. By banning roadside parking, the FCT Administration is reducing the risk of accidents and improving road safety.
  3. Enhance the aesthetic appeal of the city: Roadside parking can also detract from the beauty of the city, making it look cluttered and disorganized. By providing alternative parking facilities, the FCT Administration is enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the city.

Overall, the ban on roadside parking in the FCT is a positive step towards improving the city's infrastructure and quality of life for its residents.