Concorde speed new york to london

The Concorde! What a legendary aircraft!

The Concorde was a supersonic jet that could travel at speeds up to Mach 2.04 (1,354 mph or 2,180 km/h). If you were to fly from New York to London on the Concorde, the flight time would be approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes.

To put that into perspective, a typical commercial flight from New York to London takes around 7-8 hours. The Concorde's supersonic capabilities made it significantly faster than any other commercial airliner.

Here's a breakdown of the Concorde's flight characteristics:

The Concorde was a remarkable achievement in aviation technology, and its supersonic capabilities made it a symbol of luxury and innovation. Unfortunately, the Concorde was retired from service in 2003 due to rising maintenance costs and declining demand. However, its legacy lives on, and many people still remember the thrill of flying on this iconic aircraft.