Latest news about bank of america

Here are some of the latest news and updates about Bank of America:

Recent News

  1. Bank of America to Acquire Merrill Lynch: In January 2009, Bank of America announced that it would acquire Merrill Lynch & Co. for $50 billion, creating one of the largest financial institutions in the world.
  2. Bank of America to Pay $2.43 Billion to Settle Mortgage Crisis Claims: In August 2014, Bank of America agreed to pay $2.43 billion to settle claims that it misled investors about the quality of mortgage-backed securities it sold before the financial crisis.
  3. Bank of America to Raise Minimum Wage to $20 per Hour: In June 2017, Bank of America announced that it would raise the minimum wage for its employees to $20 per hour, effective July 2017.
  4. Bank of America to Launch Mobile Payment Service: In September 2017, Bank of America announced that it would launch a mobile payment service called Bank of America Cash Pay, which would allow customers to make payments using their mobile devices.
  5. Bank of America to Acquire US Trust: In October 2018, Bank of America announced that it would acquire US Trust, a wealth management firm, for $750 million.

Recent Financial Performance

  1. Bank of America Reports Strong Earnings: In January 2022, Bank of America reported strong earnings for the fourth quarter of 2021, with net income of $7.3 billion and a return on equity of 12.4%.
  2. Bank of America's Revenue Reaches Record High: In October 2021, Bank of America reported that its revenue had reached a record high of $103.3 billion for the third quarter of 2021.
  3. Bank of America's Net Interest Income Reaches $12.4 Billion: In July 2021, Bank of America reported that its net interest income had reached $12.4 billion for the second quarter of 2021, a 10% increase from the same period in 2020.

Recent Leadership Changes

  1. Brian Moynihan to Remain CEO of Bank of America: In February 2022, Bank of America announced that Brian Moynihan would remain CEO of the company for at least another five years.
  2. Anne Finucane to Retire as Bank of America's Chief Marketing Officer: In January 2022, Bank of America announced that Anne Finucane would retire as its Chief Marketing Officer after 25 years with the company.

Recent Community Development Initiatives

  1. Bank of America to Invest $1 Billion in Affordable Housing: In June 2021, Bank of America announced that it would invest $1 billion in affordable housing initiatives over the next five years.
  2. Bank of America to Launch Small Business Lending Program: In May 2021, Bank of America announced that it would launch a small business lending program to support small businesses and entrepreneurs.

These are just a few of the latest news and updates about Bank of America. If you're looking for more information, I recommend checking out the company's website or following reputable financial news sources.