Concept of news coverage refernces

Here are some key references related to the concept of news coverage:

Journalism and News Coverage

  1. Galtung, J., & Ruge, M. H. (1965). The structure of foreign news: The presentation of the Congo, Cuba and Cyprus crises in four Norwegian newspapers. Journal of Peace Research, 2(1), 64-91.
    • This classic study introduced the concept of the "structure of foreign news" and identified the factors that influence news coverage.
  2. Shoemaker, P. J., & Reese, S. D. (1996). Mediating the message: Theories of influences on mass media content. Longman.
    • This book provides an overview of the theories and research on the factors that influence news coverage.
  3. Entman, R. M. (1993). Framing: Toward clarification of a fractured paradigm. Journal of Communication, 43(4), 51-67.
    • This article introduces the concept of framing and its importance in shaping public opinion and news coverage.

News Values and Selection

  1. Galtung, J., & Ruge, M. H. (1965). The structure of foreign news: The presentation of the Congo, Cuba and Cyprus crises in four Norwegian newspapers. Journal of Peace Research, 2(1), 64-91.
    • This study identified the news values that influence news selection, including proximity, negativity, and human interest.
  2. Tuchman, G. (1978). Making news: A study in the construction of reality. Free Press.
    • This book examines the process of news construction and the role of news values in shaping news coverage.
  3. Hallin, D. C. (1986). The "uncensored war": The media and Vietnam. University of Chicago Press.
    • This book analyzes the role of news values in shaping news coverage of the Vietnam War.

News Sources and Gatekeeping

  1. White, D. M. (1950). The "gatekeeper": A case study in the selection of news. Journalism Quarterly, 27(1), 383-390.
    • This classic study introduced the concept of the gatekeeper and examined the role of news sources in shaping news coverage.
  2. Sigal, L. V. (1973). Reporters and officials: The organization and politics of newsmaking. University of Illinois Press.
    • This book examines the relationship between news sources and journalists and the role of gatekeeping in shaping news coverage.
  3. Schlesinger, P. (1978). Putting "reality" together: Journalism as a social process. Sage.
    • This book analyzes the social process of news construction and the role of news sources in shaping news coverage.

News Coverage and Power

  1. Herman, E. S., & Chomsky, N. (1988). Manufacturing consent: The political economy of the mass media. Pantheon Books.
    • This book examines the relationship between the media and power and argues that the media serve the interests of the powerful.
  2. Bagdikian, B. H. (1992). The media monopoly. Beacon Press.
    • This book analyzes the concentration of media ownership and its impact on news coverage.
  3. McChesney, R. W. (2000). Rich media, poor democracy: Communication politics in dubious times. University of Illinois Press.
    • This book examines the relationship between media ownership and news coverage and argues that the concentration of media ownership undermines democratic values.

These references provide a solid foundation for understanding the concept of news coverage and its relationship to power, news values, and gatekeeping.