Olympics nigerian wrestlers training partners yet arrive rio

It appears that you're referring to the Nigerian wrestlers who were supposed to have training partners at the Olympics in Rio, but they didn't arrive on time.

According to reports, the Nigerian wrestling team was facing a crisis due to the absence of their training partners, which was affecting their preparation for the Olympics. The team's coach, Samson Igbanu, had earlier stated that the absence of the training partners was a major setback for the team.

However, it's unclear why the training partners didn't arrive on time. It's possible that there were issues with visas, travel arrangements, or other logistical challenges that prevented them from arriving in Rio.

Despite this setback, the Nigerian wrestling team still managed to participate in the Olympics and compete against other countries. However, their performance was affected by the lack of training partners, and they didn't win any medals in the tournament.

It's worth noting that the Nigerian wrestling team has been facing several challenges in recent years, including a lack of funding and infrastructure. The absence of training partners was just one of the many obstacles they faced in their preparation for the Olympics.

I hope this information helps clarify the situation. Let me know if you have any further questions!