Comparison between old man and new man

The concept of the "Old Man" and the "New Man" is a philosophical and psychological framework that was popularized by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. The idea is that there are two fundamental types of human beings: the Old Man and the New Man.

The Old Man:

The Old Man represents the traditional, conventional, and conservative aspects of human nature. He is characterized by:

  1. Conservatism: The Old Man is attached to traditional values, customs, and institutions. He is resistant to change and prefers to maintain the status quo.
  2. Fear: The Old Man is driven by fear of the unknown, fear of change, and fear of losing what he has.
  3. Complacency: The Old Man is content with his current situation and is not motivated to make significant changes or improvements.
  4. Reactionary: The Old Man reacts to circumstances rather than taking initiative and creating his own circumstances.

The New Man:

The New Man, on the other hand, represents the innovative, creative, and progressive aspects of human nature. He is characterized by:

  1. Creativity: The New Man is driven by a desire to create, innovate, and bring new ideas into the world.
  2. Courage: The New Man is willing to take risks and face challenges head-on, even if it means venturing into the unknown.
  3. Proactivity: The New Man takes initiative and creates his own circumstances, rather than simply reacting to them.
  4. Self-overcoming: The New Man is willing to challenge himself and overcome his own limitations and biases.


Here's a comparison between the Old Man and the New Man:

Old Man New Man
Attitude Conservative, fearful, complacent Innovative, courageous, proactive
Motivation Fear of change, attachment to tradition Desire for creativity, self-overcoming
Behavior Reacts to circumstances, maintains status quo Takes initiative, creates own circumstances
Values Tradition, security, stability Creativity, progress, self-improvement


The Old Man and the New Man represent two fundamental approaches to life. The Old Man is characterized by conservatism, fear, and complacency, while the New Man is driven by creativity, courage, and proactivity. While the Old Man may be comfortable with the status quo, the New Man is willing to challenge himself and create his own circumstances. Ultimately, the choice between the Old Man and the New Man is a personal one, and it depends on one's values, goals, and aspirations.