Comot joo go away obasanjo tell journalists

It seems like you're referring to a famous quote from former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo. The quote is often translated to "Get out of my sight, you old woman!" or "Get out of my sight, you old lady!"

In the context of the quote, Obasanjo was addressing a group of journalists who were reportedly being too aggressive or persistent in their questioning. The phrase "obasanjo" is a Yoruba term that roughly translates to "old woman" or "old lady," and is often used as a term of endearment or respect.

However, in this context, Obasanjo's use of the term was likely meant to convey a sense of annoyance or frustration, rather than respect. The quote has since become a popular phrase in Nigerian culture, often used humorously or ironically to express exasperation or dismissal.