News mum

A "news mum" is a colloquialism used to describe a mother who is overly concerned with her child's activities and constantly asks questions about what they are doing, who they are with, and what they are doing. This behavior is often seen as excessive and can be perceived as controlling or overbearing.

The term "news mum" is thought to have originated in the UK, where it is commonly used to describe mothers who are overly involved in their children's lives. The term is often used in a humorous or ironic way to describe a mother who is so concerned with her child's activities that she is constantly asking for updates and seeking reassurance.

Some common behaviors associated with "news mums" include:

It's worth noting that being a "news mum" is not necessarily a bad thing, and many mothers are naturally curious and concerned about their child's well-being. However, excessive or controlling behavior can be damaging to the child's independence and self-esteem.