Communicating new policies and procedures sample

Here is a sample communication plan for introducing new policies and procedures:

Subject: Introduction of New Policies and Procedures

Date: [Insert Date]

To: All [Insert Department/Team/Company]

From: [Insert Name], [Insert Title]

Purpose: As part of our ongoing efforts to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance, we are introducing new policies and procedures to enhance our operations. This communication aims to inform you of the changes and provide guidance on how to implement them.

New Policies and Procedures:

  1. Policy: [Insert Policy Name] - [Insert Brief Description]
    • Purpose: [Insert Purpose]
    • Scope: [Insert Scope]
    • Responsibilities: [Insert Responsible Person/Department]
    • Procedure: [Insert Procedure]
  2. Procedure: [Insert Procedure Name] - [Insert Brief Description]
    • Purpose: [Insert Purpose]
    • Scope: [Insert Scope]
    • Responsibilities: [Insert Responsible Person/Department]
    • Procedure: [Insert Procedure]

Key Changes:

Implementation Timeline:

Next Steps:

  1. Review the new policies and procedures documentation to understand the changes and your responsibilities.
  2. Attend training sessions (if applicable) to ensure a smooth transition.
  3. Implement the new procedures and report any issues or concerns to [Insert Contact Person].




The introduction of new policies and procedures is an important step in our ongoing efforts to improve our operations. We believe that these changes will enhance our efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to [Insert Contact Person].

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Best regards,

[Insert Name] [Insert Title] [Insert Company]