Commands for new bots

Here are some common commands that you can use to interact with new bots:

Basic Commands

  1. help: Displays a list of available commands and their descriptions.
  2. hello or hi: Says hello or greets the bot.
  3. goodbye or bye: Says goodbye or bids farewell to the bot.
  4. thanks or thank you: Expresses gratitude to the bot.

Informational Commands

  1. info or about: Provides information about the bot, such as its name, version, and purpose.
  2. version or v: Displays the version number of the bot.
  3. description or desc: Provides a brief description of the bot's purpose and functionality.

Conversation Commands

  1. talk or chat: Initiates a conversation with the bot.
  2. ask or query: Asks the bot a question or requests information.
  3. tell or share: Shares information or tells the bot something.
  4. listen or hear: Listens to the bot's response or feedback.

Game and Entertainment Commands

  1. play or game: Initiates a game or interactive experience with the bot.
  2. joke or funny: Requests a joke or a funny response from the bot.
  3. story or narrative: Asks the bot to tell a story or create a narrative.
  4. quiz or test: Participates in a quiz or test with the bot.

Utility Commands

  1. set or configure: Sets or configures settings or preferences for the bot.
  2. reset or clear: Resets or clears settings or data for the bot.
  3. help or support: Requests assistance or support from the bot.
  4. feedback or suggestion: Provides feedback or suggestions to the bot.

Miscellaneous Commands

  1. ping or pong: Tests the bot's responsiveness or latency.
  2. uptime or status: Displays the bot's uptime or status.
  3. stats or metrics: Displays statistics or metrics about the bot's performance.
  4. debug or error: Reports errors or debugging information to the bot.

Remember that these commands may vary depending on the specific bot and its capabilities.