Command to finish current quest fallout new vegas

To finish the current quest in Fallout: New Vegas, you can use the following console command:

completequest [quest ID]

Replace [quest ID] with the ID of the quest you want to complete. You can find the quest ID by opening the console and typing quest followed by the Enter key. This will list all the quests you have available, along with their IDs.

For example, if you want to complete the quest "Waste Management", you would type:

completequest 0001395f

Note that you can also use the quest command to list all the quests you have available, along with their IDs. For example:


This will list all the quests you have available, along with their IDs. You can then use the completequest command to complete the quest you want.

Alternatively, you can also use the setqueststage command to set the quest stage to the final stage, which will complete the quest. For example:

setqueststage 0001395f 10

This will set the quest stage to the final stage (10), which will complete the quest.

Note that using console commands can sometimes cause unintended consequences, so use them at your own risk. It's also worth noting that using console commands to complete quests may not give you the same rewards or experience as completing the quest normally.