Co creation a new method of building brand loyalty & innovation

Co-creation is a powerful approach to building brand loyalty and driving innovation. Here's a potential method:

Method: "Brand Ambassadors' Innovation Circle" (BAIC)

Objective: To co-create innovative solutions with loyal customers, fostering a sense of ownership and loyalty, while driving business growth and innovation.


  1. Identify and recruit Brand Ambassadors: Select a diverse group of loyal customers who are passionate about the brand and have a track record of engaging with the brand online and offline.
  2. Define the Innovation Challenge: Collaborate with the Brand Ambassadors to identify a specific business challenge or opportunity that the brand wants to address. This could be a product development, marketing campaign, or customer experience improvement.
  3. Co-Creation Sessions: Organize regular co-creation sessions with the Brand Ambassadors, where they will work together to generate ideas, prototype solutions, and provide feedback. These sessions can be facilitated through online platforms, in-person workshops, or a combination of both.
  4. Idea Generation and Prioritization: Encourage the Brand Ambassadors to share their ideas, and use a collaborative platform to collect, prioritize, and refine the ideas.
  5. Prototyping and Testing: Select the top ideas and work with the Brand Ambassadors to develop prototypes or test concepts. This can involve surveys, focus groups, or A/B testing.
  6. Feedback and Iteration: Gather feedback from the Brand Ambassadors and iterate on the prototypes or concepts based on their input.
  7. Implementation and Launch: Implement the final solution and launch it to the wider customer base.
  8. Recognition and Rewards: Recognize and reward the Brand Ambassadors for their contributions, fostering a sense of ownership and loyalty.


  1. Increased Loyalty: By involving loyal customers in the innovation process, you're creating a sense of ownership and investment in the brand.
  2. Innovative Solutions: Co-creation can lead to innovative solutions that might not have been possible through traditional internal brainstorming.
  3. Improved Customer Insights: Brand Ambassadors can provide valuable insights into customer needs, preferences, and pain points.
  4. Cost-Effective: Co-creation can reduce the need for external market research and focus groups.
  5. Enhanced Brand Reputation: By showcasing the contributions of Brand Ambassadors, you're demonstrating a commitment to customer-centricity and innovation.


A fashion brand, "TrendyClothing," wants to develop a new line of sustainable clothing. They recruit a group of loyal customers, the "TrendyClothing Squad," and invite them to participate in a co-creation session. The Squad generates ideas for sustainable materials, designs, and production methods. The top ideas are prototyped and tested, and the final solution is launched as a new line of sustainable clothing. The TrendyClothing Squad is recognized and rewarded for their contributions, fostering a sense of ownership and loyalty.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

  1. Customer Retention: Track the retention rate of Brand Ambassadors and the overall customer base.
  2. Innovation Output: Measure the number of innovative solutions developed through the co-creation process.
  3. Customer Satisfaction: Monitor customer satisfaction ratings and feedback to ensure that the co-created solutions meet customer needs.
  4. Brand Advocacy: Track the number of brand advocates and the reach of their recommendations.
  5. Revenue Growth: Monitor revenue growth and attribute it to the co-created solutions.

By implementing the Brand Ambassadors' Innovation Circle, you can build brand loyalty, drive innovation, and create a competitive advantage in the market.