Cny group new york ny united states

You're looking for information about the CNY Group in New York, NY, United States!

Here's what I found:

CNY Group

The CNY Group is a private investment firm based in New York City, with a focus on making strategic investments in the technology, healthcare, and consumer sectors. The company was founded in 2013 by a team of experienced investors and entrepreneurs.

Investment Strategy

The CNY Group invests in early-stage companies with innovative products, services, or business models that have the potential to disrupt their respective industries. They typically invest between $500,000 to $5 million in each portfolio company, with a focus on providing strategic guidance, operational support, and access to their network of industry experts.

Portfolio Companies

The CNY Group has invested in a diverse range of companies across various sectors, including:

  1. Healthcare: Companies focused on medical devices, biotechnology, and healthcare services.
  2. Technology: Startups working on artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, fintech, and software solutions.
  3. Consumer: Companies in the e-commerce, food and beverage, and lifestyle sectors.

Notable Investments

Some of the notable investments made by the CNY Group include:

  1. MedBridge: A healthcare technology company that provides patient engagement and care coordination solutions.
  2. Fulcrum: A fintech company that offers a platform for small business lending and financial management.
  3. Honeycomb: A consumer goods company that produces natural and organic food products.


The CNY Group is led by a team of experienced investors and entrepreneurs, including:

  1. John Chen: Founder and Managing Partner, with a background in finance and entrepreneurship.
  2. Michael Kim: Partner, with experience in investment banking and private equity.
  3. Emily Chen: Partner, with a background in marketing and business development.

Contact Information

If you're interested in learning more about the CNY Group or would like to reach out to them for investment opportunities, you can find their contact information on their website:

I hope this information helps!