Cnn student news worksheet pdf

Here is a sample worksheet for CNN Student News:

CNN Student News Worksheet

Episode: [Insert episode number or topic]


  1. [Insert vocabulary word 1] - [Insert definition]
  2. [Insert vocabulary word 2] - [Insert definition]
  3. [Insert vocabulary word 3] - [Insert definition]

Comprehension Questions:

  1. What was the main topic of the episode?
  2. Who was the guest speaker in the episode?
  3. What was the most surprising or interesting fact you learned from the episode?

Critical Thinking Questions:

  1. How does the topic of the episode relate to your own life or community?
  2. What are some potential solutions to the problem discussed in the episode?
  3. How can you use the information from the episode to make a positive impact in your community?

Extension Activity:

  1. Write a short essay (5-7 sentences) on the topic of the episode. Be sure to include at least two vocabulary words from the episode.
  2. Create a visual project (e.g. infographic, comic strip, etc.) that summarizes the main points of the episode.
  3. Conduct an interview with someone who is affected by the topic of the episode. Write a short report (5-7 sentences) on what you learned from the interview.


Note: This is just a sample worksheet and can be modified to fit the needs of your students and the topic of the episode.

You can download a PDF version of this worksheet from the CNN Student News website, which provides a range of resources and activities for teachers and students.