Cnn recent new about wanna cry

You're referring to the popular video game "Winnie the Pooh"!

As of my knowledge cutoff, there haven't been any recent CNN news articles specifically about Winnie the Pooh. However, I can suggest some possible reasons why you might be looking for news about Winnie the Pooh:

  1. New movie or TV show: There might be a new Winnie the Pooh movie or TV show in production, and CNN could be reporting on it.
  2. Merchandise or theme park updates: Disney, the owner of the Winnie the Pooh franchise, might be releasing new merchandise or updating their theme park attractions, and CNN could be covering these developments.
  3. Charity or fundraising efforts: Winnie the Pooh is often associated with children's charities and fundraising efforts, and CNN might be reporting on these initiatives.

If you're looking for news about Winnie the Pooh, I recommend checking out reputable sources like CNN, Disney's official website, or fan sites dedicated to the franchise.