Stop compulsory blood donations in lagos hospitals serap tells sanwo olu

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a statement made by a person named Serap. According to the article or statement, Serap has called on the Governor of Lagos State, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, to stop the compulsory blood donation practice in Lagos hospitals.

For those who may not be aware, compulsory blood donation is a practice where hospitals or healthcare facilities require patients to donate blood as a condition for receiving medical treatment. This practice has been a subject of controversy in many parts of the world, with some arguing that it is unethical and violates patients' autonomy.

Serap's call to stop this practice in Lagos hospitals is likely motivated by concerns about the welfare and rights of patients. By making blood donation compulsory, hospitals may be putting patients in a difficult position, where they are forced to choose between receiving medical treatment and respecting their own bodily autonomy.

It's worth noting that the Lagos State Government has not publicly responded to Serap's call, and it's unclear whether the practice of compulsory blood donation is still in place in Lagos hospitals. However, it's possible that the government may be reviewing its policies and procedures to ensure that they respect patients' rights and dignity.

In any case, it's important to prioritize patients' autonomy and well-being in healthcare settings. Patients should be free to make informed decisions about their own bodies and medical treatment, without being coerced or forced into actions that may compromise their health or well-being.