Juliana kanyomozi new song

Juliana Kanyomozi is a talented Ugandan singer and songwriter! According to my knowledge cutoff, Juliana Kanyomozi has released several new songs in recent years. Here are a few of her latest ones:

  1. "Nakupenda" (2020) - This is a romantic ballad that showcases Juliana's soulful vocals and emotional delivery.
  2. "Kikomenda" (2020) - This upbeat track features Juliana's signature blend of Afro-pop and R&B, with a catchy chorus and infectious beat.
  3. "Nalwala" (2020) - This song is a heartfelt tribute to Juliana's late mother, with a soaring chorus and poignant lyrics.
  4. "Kabaka" (2021) - This song is a tribute to the late Kabaka (King) of Buganda, Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II, with a powerful vocal performance and a strong message of respect and admiration.

Please note that Juliana Kanyomozi is an active artist, and she may have released new songs since my knowledge cutoff. I recommend checking out her official social media channels or music streaming platforms for her latest releases!