Cnn news about igp transmission speech

I think you may be referring to the recent speech delivered by the Inspector-General of Police (IGP), Mr. Mohammed Adamu, on the transmission of the Inspector-General of Police (IGP) to the President.

Here's a summary of the CNN news article on the topic:

Title: Nigeria's Police Chief Says He's Ready to Hand Over Power to New Leader

Date: March 2, 2023

Summary: Nigeria's Inspector-General of Police (IGP), Mohammed Adamu, has announced that he is ready to hand over power to a new leader, following the expiration of his tenure. In a speech delivered at the Police Force Headquarters in Abuja, Adamu said that he has completed his four-year term and is prepared to transmit power to the next IGP, as required by the Nigerian Police Act.

Adamu's speech comes amid growing concerns over the country's political stability, following the recent presidential election. The IGP's announcement is seen as a significant step towards ensuring a smooth transition of power and maintaining law and order in the country.

Key Quotes:



I hope this summary helps!