Best things to gift a new mum

Congratulations to the new mum! Gifting something thoughtful and practical can make a big difference in her life during this special time. Here are some of the best things to gift a new mum:

  1. Cozy Robe and Slippers: A soft, plush robe and a pair of comfortable slippers can be a lifesaver for a new mum who's always on the go.
  2. Personalized Baby Blanket: A personalized baby blanket with the baby's name or initials can make a thoughtful and unique gift.
  3. Meal Delivery or Gift Card: A meal delivery or a gift card to her favorite restaurant can be a huge help during the first few weeks of motherhood.
  4. Self-Care Gift Basket: Create a gift basket filled with self-care goodies like scented candles, bath salts, face masks, and luxurious skincare products.
  5. Breastfeeding Support Gift: If the new mum is breastfeeding, consider gifting a nursing pillow, breast pads, or a breastfeeding support bra.
  6. Baby Carrier or Sling: A baby carrier or sling can be a game-changer for new mums, allowing them to hold their baby close while keeping their hands free.
  7. Practical Diapering Essentials: Diapers, wipes, and a diaper bag can be a thoughtful gift for a new mum. Consider gifting a diaper subscription service for convenience.
  8. Baby Book or Journal: A beautifully designed baby book or journal can help the new mum document her baby's milestones and memories.
  9. Cozy Baby Clothes: Soft, cozy baby clothes like onesies, sleepers, and footed rompers can be a practical and adorable gift.
  10. Postpartum Recovery Kit: Create a kit filled with items like heating pads, comfortable underwear, and pain-relieving creams to help with postpartum recovery.
  11. Baby Monitor or Movement Tracker: A baby monitor or movement tracker can provide peace of mind for new mums, allowing them to keep an eye on their baby while they're sleeping or busy.
  12. Subscription Service: Consider gifting a subscription service like a baby box, a book club, or a streaming platform to keep the new mum entertained and engaged.
  13. Handmade or Personalized Gift: A handmade or personalized gift, like a customized baby picture frame or a knitted blanket, can be a thoughtful and unique gift.
  14. Sleep-Inducing Gift: Help the new mum get some much-needed sleep with a sleep-inducing gift like a white noise machine, a sleep mask, or a set of earplugs.
  15. Supportive Community: Gift the new mum a membership to a parenting community, online forum, or social media group to connect with other mums and get support.

Remember, the most important thing is to show your love and support for the new mum. Choose a gift that reflects your relationship and her preferences, and don't forget to include a thoughtful note or message.