Cnn breaking news about president of nigeria buhari and picture

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that I'm a large language model, I don't have access to real-time news or images. But I can provide you with some general information about the President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari.

As of my knowledge cutoff, President Buhari is the current President of Nigeria, serving his second term since 2019. He is a retired Nigerian military general and politician who has been involved in Nigerian politics for many years.

If you're looking for breaking news about President Buhari, I recommend checking reputable news sources such as CNN, BBC, or Al Jazeera for the latest updates. You can also follow official government websites, social media accounts, or news agencies for reliable information.

Regarding pictures, I can suggest some official sources where you can find images of President Buhari:

  1. Official Presidential Website: You can visit the official website of the President of Nigeria ( for official photos and statements.
  2. Nigerian Government Social Media: Follow official social media accounts of the Nigerian government, such as @NGRPresident on Twitter, for official photos and updates.
  3. News Agencies: Reputable news agencies like AP, Reuters, or Getty Images often provide high-quality photos of world leaders, including President Buhari.

Please note that I'm a large language model, I don't have the capability to provide real-time news or images. I'm here to provide general information and assist with your queries to the best of my abilities.