Arthur zwane explains njabulo bloms absence against amazulu

I apologize, but I couldn't find any information on Arthur Zwane explaining Njabulo Blom's absence against AmaZulu. It's possible that the information you're looking for is not publicly available or that the event you're referring to didn't occur.

However, I can suggest some possible sources where you might be able to find the information you're looking for:

  1. Official club websites: You can check the official websites of Kaizer Chiefs, the club that Njabulo Blom plays for, or AmaZulu, the club that they played against, to see if they have any information on Blom's absence.
  2. News articles: You can search online for news articles that reported on the match between Kaizer Chiefs and AmaZulu, and see if they mention anything about Blom's absence.
  3. Social media: You can check the social media accounts of Kaizer Chiefs, AmaZulu, and Njabulo Blom to see if they have posted any information about his absence.
  4. Interviews: You can try to find interviews with Arthur Zwane, the coach of Kaizer Chiefs, or other officials from the club, to see if they discuss Blom's absence.