Cmc di ravenna news

You're looking for news related to the Comune di Ravenna (Ravenna Municipality) in Italy! Here are some recent news articles and updates:

Recent News

  1. Ravenna's historic center to be pedestrianized: The city council has approved a plan to pedestrianize the historic center of Ravenna, making it more accessible and safer for tourists and locals alike. (Source: Ravenna Today, March 2023)
  2. New museum to showcase Ravenna's Byzantine heritage: A new museum is set to open in Ravenna, dedicated to the city's Byzantine heritage and featuring artifacts from the Byzantine era. (Source: The Art Newspaper, February 2023)
  3. Ravenna's beaches to be renovated: The city council has announced plans to renovate the city's beaches, including the construction of new piers and the installation of solar-powered showers. (Source: Ravenna Today, January 2023)

Upcoming Events

  1. Ravenna Festival: The annual Ravenna Festival is set to take place from June 15th to July 15th, featuring concerts, theater performances, and cultural events. (Source: Ravenna Festival website)
  2. Ravenna's Medieval Festival: The city's Medieval Festival is scheduled for September 1st to 3rd, with reenactments, jousting tournaments, and medieval-themed activities. (Source: Ravenna Medieval Festival website)

Other News

  1. Ravenna's economy grows: According to recent data, Ravenna's economy has experienced a significant growth in recent years, driven by tourism and the city's cultural heritage. (Source: Ravenna Today, December 2022)
  2. New bike-sharing system launched: The city has launched a new bike-sharing system, making it easier for residents and tourists to get around the city. (Source: Ravenna Today, November 2022)