Current news in afghanistan yesterday

Here are some of the current news stories from Afghanistan from yesterday (please note that news can change rapidly, and this information may not be up-to-date):

Taliban Claims Responsibility for Deadly Attack on Afghan Military Base

The Taliban claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing attack on an Afghan military base in the eastern province of Nangarhar, which killed at least 10 soldiers and wounded several others. The attack occurred on Tuesday evening, and the Taliban said it was in response to the Afghan government's failure to release Taliban prisoners. (Source: Al Jazeera)

US and Taliban Sign Deal to Reduce Violence in Afghanistan

The United States and the Taliban signed a deal aimed at reducing violence in Afghanistan, which includes a reduction in US troop levels and a ceasefire between the Taliban and the Afghan government. The deal, which was signed in Doha, Qatar, also calls for the Taliban to prevent terrorist groups from using Afghan soil to launch attacks against the US and its allies. (Source: The New York Times)

Afghanistan's Economy in Crisis as Currency Plummets

Afghanistan's economy is in crisis, with the country's currency, the afghani, plummeting in value against the US dollar. The currency has lost nearly 20% of its value in the past month, making it difficult for Afghans to afford basic necessities like food and medicine. The crisis is attributed to a combination of factors, including a decline in foreign aid and a surge in corruption. (Source: The Guardian)

UN Warns of Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan

The United Nations has warned of a humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, with millions of people at risk of displacement and poverty. The UN says that the country is facing its worst humanitarian crisis in decades, with 18 million people in need of assistance, including 3.5 million children who are malnourished. (Source: UN News)

Afghanistan's President Ghani Calls for National Unity

Afghanistan's President Ashraf Ghani has called for national unity in the face of growing violence and political instability. Ghani said that the country needs to come together to address the challenges it faces, including the Taliban insurgency and corruption. (Source: TOLO News)

These are just a few of the current news stories from Afghanistan from yesterday.