Clipart for customer journey map new existing

Here are some clipart ideas for a customer journey map, both for new and existing customers:

New Customer Journey Map:

  1. A person holding a "Welcome" sign, with a smile and a thumbs up.
  2. A map with a red pin marking the starting point, representing the customer's first interaction with your brand.
  3. A lightbulb moment icon, symbolizing the customer's initial interest in your product or service.
  4. A person searching on a laptop or mobile device, representing the customer's research phase.
  5. A shopping cart icon, indicating the customer's decision to make a purchase.
  6. A person holding a package or product, representing the delivery or fulfillment phase.
  7. A happy customer icon, with a smile and a thumbs up, indicating satisfaction with the purchase.

Existing Customer Journey Map:

  1. A person holding a "Returning Customer" sign, with a smile and a thumbs up.
  2. A map with a green pin marking the customer's repeat interaction with your brand.
  3. A loyalty badge icon, symbolizing the customer's loyalty to your brand.
  4. A person using a product or service, representing the customer's ongoing engagement with your brand.
  5. A feedback icon, indicating the customer's willingness to provide feedback or reviews.
  6. A person referring a friend or family member, representing the customer's advocacy for your brand.
  7. A person celebrating a milestone or anniversary, representing the customer's long-term relationship with your brand.

Additional Icons:

  1. A question mark icon, representing the customer's inquiry or support request.
  2. A clock icon, indicating the customer's wait time or response time.
  3. A speech bubble icon, representing the customer's communication with your brand.
  4. A heart icon, symbolizing the customer's emotional connection with your brand.
  5. A star icon, indicating the customer's satisfaction or rating.
  6. A chart icon, representing the customer's progress or journey.
  7. A puzzle piece icon, symbolizing the customer's fit with your brand's offerings.

Remember to choose icons that are simple, clear, and easy to understand. You can also customize the icons to fit your brand's style and tone.