Ckay you lyrics natirovibe

I think you meant to ask "Can you get the lyrics to 'Natirovibe' by CKay?"

CKay is a Nigerian singer-songwriter, and "Natirovibe" is one of his popular songs. Here are the lyrics to the song:

[Verse 1] I dey feel your vibe, natirovibe I dey feel your vibe, natirovibe I dey feel your vibe, natirovibe I dey feel your vibe, natirovibe

[Chorus] Natirovibe, natirovibe I dey feel your vibe, natirovibe Natirovibe, natirovibe I dey feel your vibe, natirovibe

[Verse 2] I dey feel your vibe, natirovibe I dey feel your vibe, natirovibe I dey feel your vibe, natirovibe I dey feel your vibe, natirovibe

[Chorus] Natirovibe, natirovibe I dey feel your vibe, natirovibe Natirovibe, natirovibe I dey feel your vibe, natirovibe

[Bridge] I dey feel your vibe, natirovibe I dey feel your vibe, natirovibe I dey feel your vibe, natirovibe I dey feel your vibe, natirovibe

[Chorus] Natirovibe, natirovibe I dey feel your vibe, natirovibe Natirovibe, natirovibe I dey feel your vibe, natirovibe

Please note that these are the lyrics as I could find them online, and there might be slight variations depending on the version or remix of the song.