Civicmedialab 2018 digital innovation in the news room hackathon

A blast from the past!

The Civic Media Lab's 2018 Digital Innovation in the Newsroom Hackathon was a 24-hour event that brought together journalists, developers, designers, and other innovators to create new digital tools and solutions for the news industry.

Here are some key details about the event:

Date: November 16-17, 2018 Location: The Civic Media Lab, Toronto, Canada Objective: To develop innovative digital solutions that can be used in newsrooms to improve storytelling, reporting, and audience engagement.


  1. Fact-checking: Develop a tool to help journalists fact-check information more efficiently and effectively.
  2. Data visualization: Create a platform to help journalists visualize complex data and present it in an engaging and interactive way.
  3. Social media monitoring: Design a system to help journalists monitor social media conversations related to their stories and engage with their audience more effectively.
  4. Storytelling: Develop a tool to help journalists create immersive and interactive stories that engage their audience.


  1. Fact-checking: "FactCheck" - a browser extension that helps journalists quickly verify information and identify potential biases.
  2. Data visualization: "DataViz" - a platform that allows journalists to easily create interactive and dynamic visualizations of complex data.
  3. Social media monitoring: "SocialSphere" - a tool that helps journalists track social media conversations related to their stories and engage with their audience more effectively.
  4. Storytelling: "StorySphere" - a platform that allows journalists to create immersive and interactive stories that engage their audience.


  1. The Civic Media Lab
  2. The Toronto Star
  3. The Globe and Mail
  4. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
  5. The National Post


  1. The Ontario Media Development Corporation (OMDC)
  2. The Canadian Media Fund (CMF)
  3. The National Film Board of Canada (NFB)

The Civic Media Lab's 2018 Digital Innovation in the Newsroom Hackathon was a successful event that brought together innovators from various fields to create new digital solutions for the news industry. The winning projects showcased innovative approaches to fact-checking, data visualization, social media monitoring, and storytelling, and demonstrated the potential for technology to improve the way journalists work and engage with their audience.