Circuit breaker picture

Here is a simple diagram of a circuit breaker:

Circuit Breaker Diagram

          |  Live Wire  |
+---------------+       +---------------+
|  Circuit      |       |  Load (e.g.  |
|  Breaker      |       |  Light Bulb)  |
+---------------+       +---------------+
+---------------+       +---------------+
|  Neutral Wire |       |  Neutral Wire |
+---------------+       +---------------+

In this diagram:

When the circuit breaker trips, it opens the circuit and breaks the flow of electricity to the load. This is designed to prevent damage to the load or the circuit, and to prevent electrical shock or fire.

Here's a more detailed diagram of a circuit breaker:

Circuit Breaker Components

          |  Live Wire  |
+---------------+       +---------------+
|  Trip Unit    |       |  Arc Chute    |
|  (includes     |       |  (absorbs     |
|  thermal     |       |  arc energy)  |
|  and magnetic  |       |               |
|  sensors)     |       |               |
+---------------+       +---------------+
+---------------+       +---------------+
|  Contact Set  |       |  Spring-Loaded |
|  (opens the  |       |  Contact Set  |
|  circuit)    |       |  (closes the  |
|               |       |  circuit)     |
+---------------+       +---------------+

In this diagram: