Cinema 4d r19 new features

Cinema 4D R19 was released in 2017 and introduced several new features and improvements to the software. Here are some of the key new features in Cinema 4D R19:

  1. New MoGraph Features: MoGraph, Cinema 4D's motion graphics module, got several new features, including:
    • MoGraph Fields: A new type of field that allows for more complex and dynamic simulations.
    • MoGraph Cloner: A new tool that allows for cloning and animating objects in MoGraph.
    • MoGraph Effectors: New effectors that allow for more advanced control over MoGraph simulations.
  2. Hair and Fur: Cinema 4D R19 introduced a new hair and fur system, which allows for more realistic and detailed simulations of hair and fur.
  3. Sculpting: Cinema 4D R19 introduced a new sculpting tool, which allows artists to create and edit 3D models using a variety of sculpting techniques.
  4. New Camera and Lens Features: Cinema 4D R19 introduced several new camera and lens features, including:
    • Camera Mapping: A new feature that allows artists to map 2D images onto 3D objects.
    • Lens Distortion: A new feature that allows artists to simulate lens distortion and other optical effects.
    • Camera Tracking: A new feature that allows artists to track camera movements and create realistic camera movements.
  5. New Rendering Features: Cinema 4D R19 introduced several new rendering features, including:
    • Multi-Threading: Cinema 4D R19 can now take advantage of multiple CPU cores, allowing for faster rendering times.
    • GPU Rendering: Cinema 4D R19 can now render using the GPU, allowing for faster rendering times and improved performance.
    • New Rendering Presets: Cinema 4D R19 introduced several new rendering presets, including a new "Cinema 4D" preset that is optimized for film and television production.
  6. New Animation Features: Cinema 4D R19 introduced several new animation features, including:
    • Keyframe Animation: Cinema 4D R19 introduced a new keyframe animation system, which allows artists to create complex animations using keyframes.
    • Physics-Based Animation: Cinema 4D R19 introduced a new physics-based animation system, which allows artists to create realistic animations using physics simulations.
  7. New Scripting Features: Cinema 4D R19 introduced several new scripting features, including:
    • Python Scripting: Cinema 4D R19 introduced support for Python scripting, allowing artists to create custom scripts and plugins.
    • Scripting API: Cinema 4D R19 introduced a new scripting API, which allows artists to access and manipulate Cinema 4D's internal data and functionality.
  8. New Integration Features: Cinema 4D R19 introduced several new integration features, including:
    • Integration with Adobe After Effects: Cinema 4D R19 introduced improved integration with Adobe After Effects, allowing artists to easily import and export projects between the two applications.
    • Integration with Maxon's other products: Cinema 4D R19 introduced improved integration with Maxon's other products, including BodyPaint and Scanline Render.

These are just a few of the many new features and improvements introduced in Cinema 4D R19.