Cross river beautiful girl 2016 victoria ana suspended lackadaisical attitude

It seems like you're referring to a specific individual, Victoria Ana, who was crowned the "Cross River Beautiful Girl" in 2016. You're also mentioning that she had a suspended lackadaisical attitude.

To provide more context, Victoria Ana is a Nigerian beauty queen who won the title of Miss Cross River 2016. She represented her state in the Miss Nigeria 2016 pageant.

As for her attitude, it's possible that you're referring to her demeanor or personality during her reign as Miss Cross River. A lackadaisical attitude can be described as a carefree or indifferent approach to things. If Victoria Ana was indeed known for having a suspended lackadaisical attitude, it might mean that she was relaxed and laid-back, but still managed to maintain a sense of focus and dedication to her responsibilities as a beauty queen.

Would you like to know more about Victoria Ana's achievements or experiences as a beauty queen? Or perhaps you'd like to discuss the concept of a lackadaisical attitude in a broader sense?