Cic news canadavisa

CIC News is a popular online news source that provides updates and information on Canadian immigration and visa news. Here are some of the latest news and updates from CIC News:

Recent News:

  1. Express Entry Draw #234: 3,900 Invitations Issued: The latest Express Entry draw saw 3,900 candidates invited to apply for permanent residence in Canada.
  2. New Pathways to Permanent Residence for International Students: The Canadian government has announced new pathways to permanent residence for international students who have completed their studies in Canada.
  3. Changes to the Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship Program: The government has made changes to the Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship Program, including a new online application system and increased processing times.
  4. New Requirements for Temporary Foreign Workers: Temporary foreign workers will now need to provide proof of language proficiency in English or French in order to work in Canada.
  5. Canada to Increase Immigration Levels: The Canadian government has announced plans to increase immigration levels in the coming years, with a focus on attracting skilled workers and international students.

Popular Visa Categories:

  1. Express Entry: A fast-track immigration program for skilled workers, including professionals, engineers, and IT specialists.
  2. Family Sponsorship: A program that allows Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their family members to come to Canada.
  3. Study Permits: A program that allows international students to study in Canada.
  4. Work Permits: A program that allows foreign workers to work in Canada temporarily.
  5. Permanent Residence: A program that allows foreign nationals to live and work in Canada permanently.

Useful Resources:

  1. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC): The official government website for immigration and citizenship information.
  2. Express Entry: The official government website for the Express Entry program.
  3. Immigration Lawyer: A directory of licensed immigration lawyers in Canada.
  4. CIC News: A comprehensive online news source for Canadian immigration and visa news.

I hope this information is helpful!