Church of the twelve apostles abuja new building

You're referring to the new building of the Church of the Twelve Apostles in Abuja, Nigeria!

The Church of the Twelve Apostles is a Catholic church located in Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria. The church was founded in 1976 and has since become a prominent place of worship and pilgrimage for Catholics in the country.

In recent years, the church has undergone significant renovations and expansions, including the construction of a new building. The new building, which was completed in 2020, is a modern and impressive structure that can accommodate thousands of worshippers.

Here are some interesting facts about the new building:

  1. Capacity: The new building has a seating capacity of over 5,000 worshippers, making it one of the largest Catholic churches in West Africa.
  2. Design: The building was designed by a team of Nigerian architects and engineers, with input from international experts. The design combines traditional Nigerian architecture with modern elements, creating a unique and striking structure.
  3. Facilities: The new building features state-of-the-art facilities, including a large auditorium, confessionals, a baptistery, and a chapel for private prayer. There are also offices, meeting rooms, and a library.
  4. Art and decoration: The church is adorned with beautiful artwork and decorations, including stained-glass windows, mosaics, and sculptures. The interior design is inspired by Nigerian culture and traditions.
  5. Community engagement: The church is committed to community engagement and outreach, offering various programs and services to support the local community, including education, healthcare, and social welfare initiatives.

The Church of the Twelve Apostles in Abuja is a significant landmark in the city and a symbol of the Catholic Church's presence and commitment to the people of Nigeria.